We have been studying Wado Ryu Karatedo since 1987 when we began our training under Sensei Bill Hardyman. We currently operate our Dojo -Huntsville Wado Ryu- at Highlands Baptist Church in Huntsville, offering classes for all ranks and from ages 10 and up, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Classes are held in the gym, behind the main building. Need directions? From Highway 53 (Jordan Lane), take Sparkman Drive -East- for approximately 1 mile to Aspen (that's the 2nd left after Ed White Middle School. We're at the top of the hill, on the left. (For a detailed map and additional driving directions, be sure to click on the MapQuest link above!) Surfing the web? Make plans to visit Sensei Tom Stevenson and the Alabama Wado Ryu Karatedo Association at www.wado-ryu-karate.com!
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