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Tournament Information


22nd Annual C. T. Patterson Memorial Wado-Ryu Championships

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Riverdale High School

802 Warrior Drive

Murfreesboro, TN 37128

Children and Youth Will Compete First

Contact rules will be strictly enforced.  No allowances on weight divisions.  Make the weight!

Registration Doors will open at 7:30 am

Dojo Line-up 8:30 am

Child & Youth Tournament begins at 9:00 am


Adult Tournament Line-up 12:00 pm

Adult Tournament begins 12:30 pm


1 or 2 Events Same Price, $40.00 Pre-Register

$45.00 Day of Event

Black Belt Championships Fighting and Kata $50

Black Belt Kihon Kata Teams $50

Synchronized Kata $50

Spectator Tickets-$6, 5 and under free


Fee at Door Day of Event:

One or Two Events $45

Spectators: $6.00/5 and under Free


No Finals: Each division final will occur immediately after that divisions elimination. 


Equipment: Approved Safety Gear Mandatory including groin protection in all fighting divisions

No Sneaker/Tennis shoe of any type allowed for Compitition.


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