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23rd Annual C. T. Patterson Memorial Wado-Ryu Championships

Scheduled for March 22, 2025,


Dear USEWF Member and Dojo’s,


I am so happy to announce that Riverdale High School has cleared the way again for this year to hold our tournament on March 2025.  I know for most of us it has been such a challenging year.  I know prices for food and gas have been very hard on us.  I thank you for keeping either you or your children enrolled and training.  I have again kept the tournament prices the same as last year to help everyone attend our tournament.


Below you can click on the links to get information such as rules, rings, and even preregister for the tournament by Credit Card (CC).  Also, again this year the children will compete first allwowing you to not have to pend all day with us.


I am looking so forward in seeing everyone this year.




Sensei J. V. Patterson

President USEWF





C o p y r i g h t   2 0 2 5 - 2 0 2 26  U n i t e d   S t a t e s   E a s t e r n   W a d o   R y u   K a r a t e   F e d e r a t i o n